Dynamic Difficulty + More

This update has a series of changes on a few fronts as I explore possible a full-scale project. 

Updated Visuals:

The enemies and player are now represented by 3D Iconography in what is known as the "Combat Scanner".  This allows a person to get a satellite view of the surrounding areas and be informed of the surrounding area.

This function came from experimentions with a few modes ranging from 2D, to parts/bones, to full 3D models.

As a programmer/designer with zero art skills, none of the above looked particularly good and were expensive to implement. So, I instead decided if I couldn't impress the players, I could inform them. 

The shapes represent different enemy classes.

  • Shapes represent Enemy Class 
  • Colors represent Factions
  • Arrows represent enemy gun directions

It'll still evolve, but this basic idea is functionally effective and something I can afford to expand on.

Note: I still don't like the 3D level solution, its still causing issues with both visuals and pathfinding and I'm still exploring better level editing approaches.

Dynamic Difficulty:

One of the more difficult aspects of a bullet hell design is the skill gap between experienced and newer players. The feedback I received was 70% it's far too hard, and 30% I never die because its too easy.  This meant that 30% of players never even realized the gimmick of flashbacks and undoing mistakes. 

So, I've built something equivalent to the Left4Dead "director" system. The better you play, the harder it gets and you get better rewards. When you take a hit, it resets things to a more stable situation.

Deck Building Will likely be Removed

Another common concern is that very little of the feedback comes from the deckbuilding side despite the available cheat unlocks. Even in my own playthroughs I find myself rarely switching things up unless I want a change.

It's added complexity for the players, and it's not adding enough meaningful play to support it.

As such, I'll likely be reworking the system a bit to simplify the system. 3 potential approaches will be:

  • Characters have their own entire deck without customization
  • Players will have an "Inventory" screen, and each piece of equipment adds a specific set of cards to your deck
  • Players will find upgrades in the level that add specific cards to your deck.


3D Update 2.zip 60 MB
85 days ago

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